custom RPM build
Leigh Peterson
2008-02-13 14:10:46 UTC
Hi All,

I'm currently trying to create an RPM which contains the NRPE service as well as some custom scripts. The problem I'm having is that the source for the plugins and NRPE are in seperate tar.gz files. The spec file I have at the moment allows me to build the NRPE executable and start-up scripts, etc, and create an RPM. I would like to include some extra plugins from the other tar.gz file. These plugins are all perl scripts, so they don't require compilation, just a straight copy into the plugins folder before the RPM is created. Any ideas of where I can start modifying the spec file?

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Dario Alcocer
2008-02-15 05:43:54 UTC
Post by Leigh Peterson
Hi All,
I'm currently trying to create an RPM which contains the NRPE service
as well as some custom scripts. The problem I'm having is that the
source for the plugins and NRPE are in seperate tar.gz files. The
spec file I have at the moment allows me to build the NRPE executable
and start-up scripts, etc, and create an RPM. I would like to include
some extra plugins from the other tar.gz file. These plugins are all
perl scripts, so they don't require compilation, just a straight copy
into the plugins folder before the RPM is created.
First, add the plug-ins tarball as another source file; for example:

Source: nrpe-source-tarball.tar.gz
Source1: plugins.tar.gz

Next, modify the %prep section to unpack the the extra plug-ins tarball:

%setup -T -D -a 1

The second %setup directive will unpack the plug-ins tarball in the
top-level source directory of NRPE.

Finally, add commands in the %install section to copy the plug-ins into
the install destination:

# install NRPE
# install plug-ins unpacked in top-level source directory
cp other-plugins/*.pl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/nrpe/plugins

Make sure to add the plug-in scripts to the %files section so they'll be
included in the package.


-- D.
Leigh Peterson
2008-02-25 17:20:54 UTC
Post by Dario Alcocer
Source: nrpe-source-tarball.tar.gz
Source1: plugins.tar.gz
%setup -T -D -a 1
The second %setup directive will unpack the plug-ins tarball in the
top-level source directory of NRPE.
Finally, add commands in the %install section to copy the plug-ins into
# install NRPE
# install plug-ins unpacked in top-level source directory
cp other-plugins/*.pl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/nrpe/plugins
Make sure to add the plug-in scripts to the %files section so they'll be
included in the package.
-- D.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies - much appreciated! I've been on holidays, so I'll have a play this evening and let you know if I come up against any other difficulties, but it sounds pretty much what I'm after!

Thanks again!

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