RPM package creation from already installed files?
Kevin Cosgrove
2007-07-02 01:45:27 UTC
Is there a way to create an RPM package from an already installed
RPM, for which I've lost the package file? Thanks....

"The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its
continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the
computer hardware industry...", Henry Petroski [can you say "Windows"?]
Murali Krishnan
2007-07-02 06:07:05 UTC
Here is the tool to generate a package from installed database info.
I've not tried it but the description of this software claims so. Try
out and reply to the group about this.


With Kind Regards
S. Murali Krishnan
Senior Software Engineer
Sylantro Softwares.
Bangalore - India.
-----Original Message-----
From: rpm-list-***@redhat.com [mailto:rpm-list-***@redhat.com]
On Behalf Of Kevin Cosgrove
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 7:15 AM
To: RPM Package Manager
Subject: RPM package creation from already installed files?

Is there a way to create an RPM package from an already installed
RPM, for which I've lost the package file? Thanks....

"The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its
continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the
computer hardware industry...", Henry Petroski [can you say "Windows"?]
Tony Earnshaw
2007-07-02 08:45:34 UTC
Post by Murali Krishnan
Here is the tool to generate a package from installed database info.
I've not tried it but the description of this software claims so. Try
out and reply to the group about this.
It works fine (pity it can't make srpms, but you can't have everything).
Mandriva has a source rpm for version 2.4 and I've adapted that for
Fedora FC6 and rebuilt that on RHAS4, anybody wants either, they're welcome.

Tony Earnshaw
Email: tonni at hetnet dot nl
Valery Reznic
2007-07-02 09:16:11 UTC
Post by Murali Krishnan
Post by Murali Krishnan
Here is the tool to generate a package from
installed database info.
Post by Murali Krishnan
I've not tried it but the description of this
software claims so. Try
Post by Murali Krishnan
out and reply to the group about this.
Post by Murali Krishnan
It works fine (pity it can't make srpms, but you
can't have everything).
Build srpm from the binary files ?
Looks like it's very base feature and rpmrebuild
definetly have to had it years ago :)


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Valery Reznic
2007-07-02 06:08:31 UTC
Post by Kevin Cosgrove
Is there a way to create an RPM package from an
already installed
RPM, for which I've lost the package file?
Yes, rpmrebuild (http://rpmrebuild.sf.net)

Post by Kevin Cosgrove
"The most amazing achievement of the computer
software industry is its
continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering
gains made by the
computer hardware industry...", Henry Petroski [can
you say "Windows"?]
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Hiren Patel
2007-07-02 06:45:29 UTC
the --repackage option of rpm might be helpful to you, i have not tried
it, but it sounds like it might be worth investigating.
Post by Kevin Cosgrove
Is there a way to create an RPM package from an already installed
RPM, for which I've lost the package file? Thanks....
"The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry is its
continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering gains made by the
computer hardware industry...", Henry Petroski [can you say "Windows"?]
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Tony Earnshaw
2007-07-02 08:41:55 UTC
Post by Hiren Patel
the --repackage option of rpm might be helpful to you, i have not tried
it, but it sounds like it might be worth investigating.
The man page for rpm 4.4.2 says that this option is for an erase
operation - in that case rpmrebuild is far preferable.

Tony Earnshaw
Email: tonni at hetnet dot nl